- 提供API一覧
- listDiskOfferings
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
id | ID of the disk offering | false |
keyword | List by keyword | false |
name | name of the disk offering | false |
$ ./kick_api.sh command=listDiskOfferings name=MIDDLE_STORAGE
Response Name | Description |
id | unique ID of the disk offering |
created | the date this disk offering was created |
diskBytesReadRate | bytes read rate of the disk offering |
diskBytesWriteRate | bytes write rate of the disk offering |
diskIopsReadRate | io requests read rate of the disk offering |
diskIopsWriteRate | io requests write rate of the disk offering |
disksize | the size of the disk offering in GB |
displayoffering | whether to display the offering to the end user or not. |
displaytext | an alternate display text of the disk offering. |
domain | the domain name this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable. |
domainid | the domain ID this disk offering belongs to. Ignore this information as it is not currently applicable. |
iscustomized | true if disk offering uses custom size, false otherwise |
iscustomizediops | true if disk offering uses custom iops, false otherwise |
maxiops | the max iops of the disk offering |
miniops | the min iops of the disk offering |
name | the name of the disk offering |
storagetype | the storage type for this disk offering |
tags | the tags for the disk offering |
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<listdiskofferingsresponse cloud-stack-version=”″>