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  • rebootVirtualMachine






・「listVirtualMachines」で 取得する「id」を利用




Parameter Name Description Required
id The ID of the virtual machine true


$ ./ command=rebootVirtualMachine id=14aa749d-bd33-4a55-a441-e1d4126f2633





Response   Name Description
id the ID of the virtual machine
account the account associated with the   virtual machine
cpunumber the number of cpu this virtual   machine is running with
cpuspeed the speed of each cpu
cpuused the amount of the vm’s CPU   currently used
created the date when this virtual   machine was created
details Template details in key/value   pairs.
diskioread the read (io) of disk on the vm
diskiowrite the write (io) of disk on the vm
diskkbsread the read (bytes) of disk on the   vm
diskkbswrite the write (bytes) of disk on the   vm
displayname user generated name. The name of   the virtual machine is returned if no displayname exists.
displayvm an optional field whether to the   display the vm to the end user or not.
domain the name of the domain in which   the virtual machine exists
domainid the ID of the domain in which   the virtual machine exists
forvirtualnetwork the virtual network for the   service offering
group the group name of the virtual   machine
groupid the group ID of the virtual   machine
guestosid Os type ID of the virtual   machine
haenable true if high-availability is   enabled, false otherwise
hostid the ID of the host for the   virtual machine
hostname the name of the host for the   virtual machine
hypervisor the hypervisor on which the   template runs
instancename instance name of the user vm;   this parameter is returned to the ROOT admin only
isdynamicallyscalable true if vm contains XS/VMWare   tools inorder to support dynamic scaling of VM cpu/memory.
isodisplaytext an alternate display text of the   ISO attached to the virtual machine
isoid the ID of the ISO attached to   the virtual machine
isoname the name of the ISO attached to   the virtual machine
keypair ssh key-pair
memory the memory allocated for the   virtual machine
name the name of the virtual machine
networkkbsread the incoming network traffic on   the vm
networkkbswrite the outgoing network traffic on   the host
password the password (if exists) of the   virtual machine
passwordenabled true if the password rest   feature is enabled, false otherwise
project the project name of the vm
projectid the project id of the vm
publicip public IP address id associated   with vm via Static nat rule
publicipid public IP address id associated   with vm via Static nat rule
rootdeviceid device ID of the root volume
rootdevicetype device type of the root volume
serviceofferingid the ID of the service offering   of the virtual machine
serviceofferingname the name of the service offering   of the virtual machine
servicestate State of the Service from LB   rule
state the state of the virtual machine
templatedisplaytext an alternate display text of the   template for the virtual machine
templateid the ID of the template for the   virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the virtual machine was created from an   ISO file.
templatename the name of the template for the   virtual machine
zoneid the ID of the availablility zone   for the virtual machine
zonename the name of the availability   zone for the virtual machine
affinitygroup(*) list of affinity groups   associated with the virtual machine
id the ID of the affinity group
account the account owning the affinity   group
description the description of the affinity   group
domain the domain name of the affinity   group
domainid the domain ID of the affinity   group
name the name of the affinity group
type the type of the affinity group
virtualmachineIds virtual machine Ids associated   with this affinity group
nic(*) the list of nics associated with   vm
id the ID of the nic
broadcasturi the broadcast uri of the nic
gateway the gateway of the nic
ip6address the IPv6 address of network
ip6cidr the cidr of IPv6 network
ip6gateway the gateway of IPv6 network
ipaddress the ip address of the nic
isdefault true if nic is default, false   otherwise
isolationuri the isolation uri of the nic
macaddress true if nic is default, false   otherwise
netmask the netmask of the nic
networkid the ID of the corresponding   network
networkname the name of the corresponding   network
secondaryip the Secondary ipv4 addr of nic
traffictype the traffic type of the nic
type the type of the nic
securitygroup(*) list of security groups   associated with the virtual machine
id the ID of the security group
account the account owning the security   group
description the description of the security   group
domain the domain name of the security   group
domainid the domain ID of the security   group
name the name of the security group
project the project name of the group
projectid the project id of the group
egressrule(*) the list of egress rules   associated with the security group
account account owning the security   group rule
cidr the CIDR notation for the base   IP address of the security group rule
endport the ending IP of the security   group rule
icmpcode the code for the ICMP message   response
icmptype the type of the ICMP message   response
protocol the protocol of the security   group rule
ruleid the id of the security group   rule
securitygroupname security group name
startport the starting IP of the security   group rule
ingressrule(*) the list of ingress rules   associated with the security group
account account owning the security   group rule
cidr the CIDR notation for the base   IP address of the security group rule
endport the ending IP of the security   group rule
icmpcode the code for the ICMP message   response
icmptype the type of the ICMP message   response
protocol the protocol of the security   group rule
ruleid the id of the security group   rule
securitygroupname security group name
startport the starting IP of the security   group rule
tags(*) the list of resource tags   associated with the rule
account the account associated with the   tag
customer customer associated with the tag
domain the domain associated with the   tag
domainid the ID of the domain associated   with the tag
key tag key name
project the project name where tag   belongs to
projectid the project id the tag belongs   to
resourceid id of the resource
resourcetype resource type
value tag value
jobid the ID of the latest async job   acting on this object
jobstatus the current status of the latest   async job acting on this object
tags(*) the list of resource tags   associated with vm
account the account associated with the   tag
customer customer associated with the tag
domain the domain associated with the   tag
domainid the ID of the domain associated   with the tag
key tag key name
project the project name where tag   belongs to
projectid the project id the tag belongs   to
resourceid id of the resource
resourcetype resource type
value tag value
jobid the ID of the latest async job   acting on this object
jobstatus the current status of the latest   async job acting on this object



<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<rebootvirtualmachineresponse cloud-stack-version=”″>



<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<queryasyncjobresultresponse cloud-stack-version=”″>
<templatedisplaytext>CentOS 6.5 64bit ウイルス対策なし</templatedisplaytext>



2024/06/28 2024/06/28