KDDIクラウドプラットフォームサービス ナレッジサイト

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  • 提供API一覧
  • listServiceOfferings











Parameter Name Description Required
id ID of the service offering false
keyword List by keyword false
name name of the service offering false




$ ./ command=listServiceOfferings keyword=Small1





Response Name Description
id the id of the service offering
cpunumber the number of CPU
cpuspeed the clock rate CPU speed in Mhz
created the date this service offering was created
defaultuse is this a default system vm offering
deploymentplanner deployment strategy used to deploy VM.
diskBytesReadRate bytes read rate of the service offering
diskBytesWriteRate bytes write rate of the service offering
diskIopsReadRate io requests read rate of the service offering
diskIopsWriteRate io requests write rate of the service offering
displaytext an alternate display text of the service offering.
domain Domain name for the offering
domainid the domain id of the service offering
hosttags the host tag for the service offering
iscustomized is true if the offering is customized
issystem is this a system vm offering
isvolatile true if the vm needs to be volatile, i.e., on every reboot of vm from API root disk is discarded and creates a new root disk
limitcpuuse restrict the CPU usage to committed service offering
memory the memory in MB
name the name of the service offering
networkrate data transfer rate in megabits per second allowed.
offerha the ha support in the service offering
serviceofferingdetails additional key/value details tied with this service offering
storagetype the storage type for this service offering
systemvmtype is this a the systemvm type for system vm offering
tags the tags for the service offering



<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<listserviceofferingsresponse cloud-stack-version=”″>


2024/06/28 2024/06/28