KDDIクラウドプラットフォームサービス ナレッジサイト

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  • listEvents










Parameter Name Description Required
id the ID of the event false
keyword List by keyword false
level the event level (INFO, WARN, ERROR) false
startdate the start date range of the list you want to retrieve (use format “yyyy-MM-dd” or the new format “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”) false
enddate the end date range of the list you want to retrieve (use format “yyyy-MM-dd” or the new format “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”) false
type the event type (see event types) false



$ ./ command=listEvents type=VOLUME.DELETE startdate=2016-09-10 level=INFO




Response Name Description
id the ID of the event
account the account name for the account that owns the object being acted on in the event (e.g. the owner of the virtual machine, ip address, or security group)
created the date the event was created
description a brief description of the event
domain the name of the account’s domain
domainid the id of the account’s domain
level the event level (INFO, WARN, ERROR)
parentid whether the event is parented
project the project name of the address
projectid the project id of the ipaddress
state the state of the event
type the type of the event (see event types)
username the name of the user who performed the action (can be different from the account if an admin is performing an action for a user, e.g. starting/stopping a user’s virtual machine)




<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<listeventsresponse cloud-stack-version=”″>
<description>Successfully completed deleting volume. Volume Id: 475135</description>


2024/06/28 2024/06/28