KDDIクラウドプラットフォームサービス ナレッジサイト

  • HOME
  • 提供API一覧
  • listNics










Parameter Name Description Required
virtualmachineid the ID of the vm true
nicid the ID of the nic to to list IPs false



$ ./ command=listNics virtualmachineid=85a02372-43da-4778-af44-bfb9e96ff532 nicid=ce79ea87-c9b2-4942-ab9c-728ef5f11db4




Response Name Description
id the ID of the nic
broadcasturi the broadcast uri of the nic
gateway the gateway of the nic
ip6address the IPv6 address of network
ip6cidr the cidr of IPv6 network
ip6gateway the gateway of IPv6 network
ipaddress the ip address of the nic
isdefault true if nic is default, false otherwise
isolationuri the isolation uri of the nic
macaddress true if nic is default, false otherwise
netmask the netmask of the nic
networkid the ID of the corresponding network
networkname the name of the corresponding network
secondaryip the Secondary ipv4 addr of nic
traffictype the traffic type of the nic
type the type of the nic




<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<listnicsresponse cloud-stack-version=”″>


2024/07/23 2024/07/23