KDDIクラウドプラットフォームサービス ナレッジサイト

  • HOME
  • 提供API一覧
  • listUsers










Parameter Name Description Required
id List user by ID. false
keyword List by keyword false
username List user by the username false



$ ./ command=listUsers




Name Description
id the user ID
account the account name of the user
accountid the account ID of the user
accounttype the account type of the user
apikey the api key of the user
created the date and time the user account was created
domain the domain name of the user
domainid the domain ID of the user
email the user email address
firstname the user firstname
iscallerchilddomain the boolean value representing if the updating target is in caller’s child domain
isdefault true if user is default, false otherwise
lastname the user lastname
secretkey the secret key of the user
state the user state
timezone the timezone user was created in
username the user name



<listusersresponse cloud-stack-version=”″>


2024/09/15 2024/09/15