Parameter Name | Description | Required |
virtualmachineid | the ID of the vm | true |
nicid | the ID of the nic to to list IPs | false |
$ ./ command=listNics virtualmachineid=85a02372-43da-4778-af44-bfb9e96ff532 nicid=ce79ea87-c9b2-4942-ab9c-728ef5f11db4
Response Name | Description |
id | the ID of the nic |
broadcasturi | the broadcast uri of the nic |
gateway | the gateway of the nic |
ip6address | the IPv6 address of network |
ip6cidr | the cidr of IPv6 network |
ip6gateway | the gateway of IPv6 network |
ipaddress | the ip address of the nic |
isdefault | true if nic is default, false otherwise |
isolationuri | the isolation uri of the nic |
macaddress | true if nic is default, false otherwise |
netmask | the netmask of the nic |
networkid | the ID of the corresponding network |
networkname | the name of the corresponding network |
secondaryip | the Secondary ipv4 addr of nic |
traffictype | the traffic type of the nic |
type | the type of the nic |
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<listnicsresponse cloud-stack-version=”″>