KDDIクラウドプラットフォームサービス ナレッジサイト

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  • listPortForwardingRules










Parameter Name Description Required
id Lists rule with the specified ID. false
ipaddressid the id of IP address of the port forwarding services false
keyword List by keyword false
networkid list port forwarding rules for ceratin network false



$ ./ command=listPortForwardingRules ipaddress=




Response Name Description
id the ID of the port forwarding rule
cidrlist the cidr list to forward traffic from
ipaddress the public ip address for the port forwarding rule
ipaddressid the public ip address id for the port forwarding rule
networkid the id of the guest network the port forwarding rule belongs to
privateendport the ending port of port forwarding rule’s private port range
privateport the starting port of port forwarding rule’s private port range
protocol the protocol of the port forwarding rule
publicendport the ending port of port forwarding rule’s private port range
publicport the starting port of port forwarding rule’s public port range
state the state of the rule
virtualmachinedisplayname the VM display name for the port forwarding rule
virtualmachineid the VM ID for the port forwarding rule
virtualmachinename the VM name for the port forwarding rule
vmguestip the vm ip address for the port forwarding rule



<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<listportforwardingrulesresponse cloud-stack-version=”″>


2024/09/15 2024/09/15