KDDIクラウドプラットフォームサービス ナレッジサイト

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  • updateLoadBalancerRule










Parameter Name Description Required
id the ID of the load balancer rule to update true
algorithm load balancer algorithm (source, roundrobin, leastconn) true
name the name of the load balancer rule false



$ ./    command=updateLoadBalancerRule id=10c00c09-8e47-499b-85c8-f6eb29f46c8e algorithm=leastconn




Response Name Description
id the load balancer rule ID
account the account of the load balancer rule
algorithm the load balancer algorithm (source, roundrobin, leastconn)
cidrlist the cidr list to forward traffic from
description the description of the load balancer
domain the domain of the load balancer rule
domainid the domain ID of the load balancer rule
fordisplay is rule for display to the regular user
name the name of the load balancer
networkid the id of the guest network the lb rule belongs to
privateport the private port
project the project name of the load balancer
projectid the project id of the load balancer
protocol the protocol of the loadbalanacer rule
publicip the public ip address
publicipid the public ip address id
publicport the public port
state the state of the rule
zoneid the id of the zone the rule belongs to
tags(*) the list of resource tags associated with load balancer
account the account associated with the tag
customer customer associated with the tag
domain the domain associated with the tag
domainid the ID of the domain associated with the tag
key tag key name
project the project name where tag belongs to
projectid the project id the tag belongs to
resourceid id of the resource
resourcetype resource type
value tag value



<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<updateloadbalancerruleresponse cloud-stack-version=”″>


<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<queryasyncjobresultresponse cloud-stack-version=”″>


2024/09/15 2024/09/15